Recently, I finished the final book in Storm Constantine’s Wraeththu Chronicles, The Fulfillments of Fate and Desire, after being glued to it for a good chunk of the day. I was sad to see the trilogy come to an end, but at least there is still the Wraeththu Histories trilogy left to read. This story was told from the point of view of Calanthe, who was a major character in both of the previous books in the trilogy. Calanthe, not […]

The Bewitchments of Love and Hate is the second book in the Wraeththu Chronicles by Storm Constantine. It is much the same as the first book in that it is beautifully written, emotionally absorbing, thoughtful, and fascinating. I almost enjoyed it as much as the first book, but not quite – not because of the book itself, but because I wanted to find out what happened to Pellaz, who was not in this book other than being briefly mentioned on […]

I saw on Carol Berg’s website the other day that she is holding a drawing for a free autographed book of your choice! All you have to do is send her an email with the subject “drawing” and you’re entered. I thought maybe you had to supply your address or which book you would like to receive if you won, but Carol responded to my email (I’m such a dork – that made my day!) and said that sending the […]

I was recently recommended Wraeththu, an omnibus edition of the Wraeththu Chronicles trilogy by Storm Constantine (consisting of The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit, The Bewitchments of Love and Hate, and The Fulfillments of Fate and Desire). I’d never heard of these books, which were inspired by Goth culture and written in the late 1980’s, but now that I’ve read the first one, I’m really glad I did – it’s now one of my favorite books of all time! The […]

The Telling by Ursula K. Le Guin is a part of her Hainish Cycle, a collection of science fiction stories that do not need to be read in any particular order (at least from what I’ve heard). I was pleasantly surprised since all I had read by Le Guin were the first three Earthsea books, and while I liked them well enough, I wasn’t overwhelmingly impressed by them. However, The Telling has definitely made me want to pick up more […]