Tags: Blogging
Cover of Goddess of the River by Vaishnavi Patel 2024 Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag

With the year halfway over, I thought it would be fun to reflect on books read this year so I’m considering myself tagged and doing this survey I saw on Lady Business. If you see this here and also want to do this overview of your own 2024 reading so far, you can consider yourself tagged too! I wasn’t sure how much I’d have to discuss at first since I’ve basically read only 3 new-to-me standout books this year, but […]

Hugo Awards 2012: The Year of the Book Blogger?

Lately you may have begun to see a lot of suggestions that SFF book bloggers be considered for Hugo Awards in the categories Best Fanzine and Best Fan Writer. It’s an interesting discussion, and I personally would love to see some of my favorite book bloggers recognized for their hard work in writing about authors and books. At this point, most of my reading recommendations come from the various book bloggers I follow. I don’t know what I ever did […]

In Memoriam: Serious Literature, Critical Reviewing, etc…

(Note:  It says it at the bottom, but just to be clear–this is a post from John, not Kristen.  Blame me.  And thanks to @Katiebabs for the heads up.) So, it looks like there’s another Thing. In a rather condescending guest article on SantaCruz.com, Daniela Hurezanu has come to the conclusion that The End is Nigh, and 20-something female book bloggers are either largely to blame or a primary outcome.  Causality isn’t really clear, but I’m guessing the idea is […]

New Inside the Blogosphere

Part Two of the newest version of Inside the Blogosphere is up over at Grasping for the Wind. (So is Part One, but I’m in Part Two so that’s the one that counts.) For those who don’t know, Inside the Blogosphere is a series in which a question is posed to various bloggers and each of them writes a response. The question for this one is: If you could live in an SF/Fantasy/Horror world, in which one would you live? […]

SF/F/H Reviewer Linkup Meme, 2nd Edition

Over at Grasping for the Wind, John has compiled a large list of speculative fiction book reviewers. Here is the full list if anyone wants to check some of them out.Click here to view list A 7 Foot Shelves The Accidental Bard A Boy Goes on a Journey A Dribble Of Ink Adventures in Reading A Fantasy Reader The Agony Column A Hoyden’s Look at Literature All Booked Up Alexia’s Books and Such… Andromeda Spaceways The Antick Musings of G.B.H. […]

I’ve Been Interviewed!

Harry from Temple Library Reviews has been running a series in which he interviews various SFF book bloggers called Reviewer Time. Today it was my turn so if you’re curious about what I do during the day, my secret talent, how the blog started, or anything else about me read the interview.