Vera Nazarian’s novel Dreams of the Compass Rose is available in several different formats as a free download for 90 days. (Note: I tried this link earlier and it did work but there seems to be an issue with it at the moment. Hopefully it will clear up soon – there just may be too many people trying to download it at the moment.) I haven’t read this one, but I did really enjoy Lords of Rainbow by Vera Nazarian […]

I signed up for a Catherine Asaro mailing list a while ago when I was desperately trying to find a copy of The Radiant Seas. Yesterday Catherine sent an email to the group to let us know that a revised version of her first novel Primary Inversion is now available at the Baen Free Library. Here is what she had to say about the new revisions: This is a rewritten version of my first published book. I’m a better writer […] has officially launched. I just signed up a little while ago to check it out. It has some free stories, an art gallery, and a forum for discussing science fiction and fantasy. Also, all the e-books and wallpaper Tor gave away through email are available for free in several different formats through July 27. So if you missed a few of the books when they were giving away one a week, you can go back and get the rest. […]

Since I just missed the last copy of City of Pearl when I made my Clarkesworld Books order, the owner of the store sent me an email to let me know that Eos currently has this available as a free e-book. It will be available through the end of August. They had Robin Hobb’s Shaman’s Crossing up for download a while ago so perhaps they will put up a new book after that. I’ve been looking forward to reading this […]

I just saw on Ann Aguirre’s blog that Renegade, the short story about March from the Jax Universe is up on the “Free Reads” section on her site now. If you read the story and leave a comment on that post about what you liked best or liked the least about the story, you will have a chance to win a galley of the next novel in the Jax series, Wanderlust. The contest runs until June 2. Also, I saw […]

A little while ago I posted about a post in Neil Gaiman’s blog in which he asked readers to vote for a book to make available online for free for a month. The winner of the poll was American Gods, and it is now available here.