Today I am thrilled to welcome New York Times bestselling author Gail Carriger! Her immensely entertaining Parasol Protectorate series, a comedy of manners set during an alternate Victorian era populated by werewolves, vampires, and other supernatural beings, follows the adventures of Alexia Tarabotti—who literally has no soul. Though this series is now complete, she’s expanded the world through other books, including those in Custard Protocol, an ongoing series set after the Parasol Protectorate; Supernatural Society, stand alone LGBTQ romance novellas; Finishing School, a young adult quartet; […]

I thought I was going to end up bookless this week, but then on Friday I came home to find 5 of them waiting for me. Since this week was the third time I got a copy of Cold Magic by Kate Elliott (this time in mass market paperback), I’m not going to list it below again. If you have been waiting for it in mass market paperback the wait is almost over, though. It will be available in stores […]

In response to the horrific recent events in Japan, some members of the speculative fiction community created Genre for Japan. Starting on March 28, they will be auctioning items related to science fiction, fantasy, and horror and donating the proceeds to the Japan Tsunami Appeal run by the British Red Cross. It’s a win/win situation since it’s a wonderful cause and there are some pretty great items available, such as a year’s supply of Tor Books and a special, limited […]

Blameless is the third novel in the Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger, a nominee for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer this year. The first two books in the series are Soulless and Changeless in that order, and the next book, Heartless, will be released in July 2011. Timeless, the final book, is scheduled for publication in 2012. It has been a great year for this series – not only was Carriger nominated for a major […]

This week brought four books that were complete surprises, and three of them are ones I really, really want to read right now, making me sad that I’m not capable of reading eight books simultaneously (since there are about five other books I want to be reading now). Actually, I already had the ARC of one and just got the finished copy in the mail this time, but I’d prefer to read the finished version anyway. As far as the […]

Changelessby Gail Carriger400pp (Paperback)My Rating: 8/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.18/5Goodreads Rating: 4.32/5 Changeless is the second book in the Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger. Soulless is the first novel in the series, and the next novel Blameless will be released in September of this year (which is something to be thankful for because the ending to Changeless could drive one crazy). It’s difficult to categorize these books with a genre – Changeless is part mystery, part comedy and set […]