Hope’s Follyby Linnea Sinclair448pp (Paperback)My Rating: 7/10Amazon Rating: 4/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.17/5Goodreads Rating: 4.47/5 Hope’s Folly by Linnea Sinclair is the third science fiction romance novel set in the Dock 5/Gabriel’s Ghost Universe. The first two books, Gabriel’s Ghost and Shades of Dark, are closely connected and focus on the adventures of former Fleet Captain Chaz Bergren and Gabriel Sullivan. Hope’s Folly takes place after the first two novels and does refer to previous events but it only mentions Chaz and […]

Hope’s Folly, the third book in Linnea Sinclair’s Dock Five series, is out today. The copy I pre-ordered is now on its way! This one is about Philip instead of Chaz and Sully. As much as I liked Philip, I’m a little worried he’ll be too normal and uncomplicated to carry a whole book for me (which is why I preferred Gabriel’s Ghost/Shades of Dark over An Accidental Goddess – the characters in the latter were much more normal with […]

The book trailer for Hope’s Folly, the third book in the Dock Five/Gabriel’s Ghost series by Linnea Sinclair, is on her site. It will be released in February of 2009. I am so excited about this book! The first two books in this science fiction romance series, Gabriel’s Ghost and Shades of Dark, recently made it to my favorite books list and I’ll be reviewing both of them soon. Until then, let’s put it this way… I couldn’t put down […]