Another Fine Myth, originally published in 1978, is the first book in the Myth Adventure series begun by Robert Asprin, also known for his work editing Thieves’ World. Later books were co-written with Jody Lynn Nye, and she now continues to write the series on her own since Robert Asprin passed away in 2008. John recently interviewed Jody Lynn Nye about Myth-Quoted, the latest book in the series, and the Myth Adventures books in general. Normally I list the books […]

Today I have one copy of Myth-Quoted by Jody Lynn Nye, the latest book in the Myth series begun many years ago by Robert Asprin and handed off to Nye several books ago, to give away (and an interview with Jody Lynn Nye is forthcoming). I haven’t read the Myth series yet, but this humorous fantasy series is among my husband’s favorites. He’s read all the books except this one, several of them often enough that he’s had to buy […]

This week brought one unsolicited review copy. Well-Tempered Clavicle by Piers Anthony This 35th installment in the Xanth series was just released in hardcover and ebook on November 22. An excerpt is available on the publisher’s website. I’ve never read a Xanth book, but from what I’ve heard its humorous fantasy very heavy on the puns. There’s apparently a search for a castle that supposedly contains Pundora’s Box in this book so that sounds about right. Picka Bones and his […]

Badass: The Birth of a Legend is by Ben Thompson, who has been running the website Badass of the Week since 2004. He has also written numerous articles on badasses, and this is his second book on the subject. The first book published on this topic, Badass, is about various figures from history (and is perhaps the most awesome use of a degree in history ever). The newest book, which just came out last week, is about various tough men, […]