I’m delighted to be welcoming T. Frohock to the site today! She’s been on my radar as an author to watch ever since I read her debut novel Miserere: An Autumn Tale, and I was excited when I first heard the news that she was publishing a new series, Los Nefilim, earlier this year. In Midnight’s Silence is an intriguing first installment in this series: it is dark without being overly grim, features angels who look but do not act […]

In Midnight’s Silence is the first book in the series of Los Nefilim novellas by T. Frohock. The second book in the series, Without Light or Guide, is scheduled for release on November 3 with the third, The Second Death, planned for March 2016. These are only available in ebook, and although I very much prefer print and rarely read books unavailable in that format, I made an exception for this one since I loved the author’s debut novel, the […]