Today I have an excerpt from Steven Erikson’s new novella The Wurms of Blearmouth—and three copies of it to give away! I haven’t read this book yet, but I have read and enjoyed the first two novellas set in the universe of Malazan Book of the Fallen. I hope you enjoy the excerpt, and you can fill out the form at the end to enter to win a copy! The Wurms of Blearmouth By Steven Erikson Excerpt: Pages 7-10 […]

The Healthy Deadby Steven Erikson128pp (Hardcover)My Rating: 8/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.12/5Goodreads Rating: 4.15/5 The Healthy Dead by Steven Erikson is a novella taking place in the world of the Malazan Book of the Fallen series. This epic fantasy series currently contains 8 books and is supposed to end up 10 volumes long (although there are supposed to be more books written in the world after that). There are other novels related to the series written by Ian Cameron Esslemont, […]

Blood Followsby Steven Erikson125pp (Paperback)My Rating: 7/10Amazon Rating: 3.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.95/5Good Reads Rating: 3.84/5 Blood Follows is the first of the novellas Steven Erikson has written taking place in the Malazan universe. While the novels in the “Malazan Book of the Fallen” series contain complex plots and a huge cast of characters, Blood Follows focuses on a small set of characters with a much simpler plot. In fact, the main character in this book, Emancipor Reese, and his employers, the […]

Last week I received a personalized copy of Midnight Tides and an autographed copy of The Bonehunters I bought from from The Signed Page, one of my favorite recent discoveries. Both are first edition hardcovers. I was psyched, especially since even though I have a few autographed books, I didn’t have any that are personalized. Authors don’t come to Maine for signings very often since it’s not a very populated area. There are still a few signed copies of both […]

My fiance and I are moving this week so we’ve been packing up all our books and no matter how many we pack, there’s always more. And I even have a bunch that never got unpacked from before. It’s amazing how many we have, and how many of those I haven’t yet had time to read (many of which are on my To Read list for 2007). Here are a few of the books I came across that I’d recommend […]