This week brought one ARC and one review copy. I’m looking forward to both of them, but I’m especially excited about the first one since it’s one I’ve been interested in for a little while now. Songs of the Earth by Elspeth Cooper This is a debut novel and the first volume in a new series, The Wild Hunt. Songs of the Earth was released in the UK last year, and it is going to be released in the US […]

This week brought two review copies and one ARC. The ARC is a print copy of Range of Ghosts by Elizabeth Bear, and I was thrilled to open the package and find that inside! I did just recently talked about this book here if you missed it and are interested in learning more about it. On to the new books… Rise of Empire by Michael J. Sullivan This is the second volume in the Riyria Revelations, following Theft of Swords […]

Today I am pleased to have a guest post by Michael J. Sullivan on the topic of fantasy tropes. I just reviewed his Theft of Swords yesterday and found it a very enjoyable traditional fantasy. In this post, I think Michael makes some really good points about tropes in fantasy and what people often mean when they say they are tired of fantasy tropes. I hope you enjoy it, too, and thanks to Michael for stopping by today! Hello, […]

Theft of Swords contains the first two books in the Riyria Revelations by Michael J. Sullivan, The Crown Conspiracy and Avempartha. These books were self-published, but the series was recently picked up by Orbit Books, who are publishing the books in three volumes each released about a month apart. Theft of Swords is scheduled for publication on November 23. Rise of Empire, containing Nyphron Rising and The Emerald Storm, will be released in December. The final two books, Wintertide and […]