Since I have an overwhelming pile of books that I need to review, I’m going to write a bunch of mini-reviews to try to get back into a reviewing routine for the new year. I’ve been struggling to keep up with reviewing lately, and I think part of that struggle is that getting caught up seems like an insurmountable obstacle. I don’t want to just let the books I haven’t reviewed go by without mention so I’ve decided to write […]

An excerpt from The Republic of Thieves, the next Gentlemen Bastards book by Scott Lynch is available online. However, consider yourself warned – it ends on a horrible cliffhanger and the book is not supposed to be out until next year!

The other night I saw on Twitter that Scott Lynch has posted some excerpts on his site, including the prologue from his forthcoming novel The Republic of Thieves. For those who read the series, this is the book in which we finally meet the mysterious Sabetha (although I haven’t read the excerpt, preferring to wait for the actual book, I heard she is in the section posted on Lynch’s site). The page containing the prologue also includes several maps, the […]

Finally, I read and finished one of my most anticipated books of the year – Red Seas Under Red Skies, the second book of seven in the Gentleman Bastards sequence by Scott Lynch. Although it was enjoyable and certainly well-worth reading, I didn’t think it quite lived up to The Lies of Locke Lamora. Red Seas Under Red Skies takes place approximately two years after the end of The Lies of Locke Lamora. Locke and Jean are now in Tal […]

I finally got around to reading The Lies of Locke Lamora after hearing a lot of good things about this debut novel by Scott Lynch. At first, I was afraid it wasn’t going to live up to all the good things I had heard about it since I found it a little hard to get into in the beginning, but I ended up absolutely loving this book. This is definitely not a book to read if you are looking to […]