Tooth and Claw, one of Jo Walton’s earlier novels, won the 2004 World Fantasy Award. Though it is often compared to Jane Austen’s work, the author cites Victorian novels in general and Anthony Trollope’s Framley Parsonage in particular as inspirations in her Dedication, Thanks, and Notes, adding “this novel is the result of wondering what a world would be like…if the axioms of the sentimental Victorian novel were inescapable laws of biology.” She imagined this by populating Tooth and Claw with dragons […]

This week brought 1 ARC, 3 books I ordered ridiculously cheap from the Book Closeouts Black Friday sale, and 1 book won in a giveaway! As usual, I’m including some information on each book this week in case there are any here that sound interesting that you want to check out. Wheel of the Infinite by Martha Wells This is definitely the book I’m most excited about this week! It’s a signed, out of print hardcover that I was lucky […]