Thank you so much to all of last week’s guests! Before announcing the schedule for week three (which starts tomorrow!), here’s some information on where you can find anything you may have missed.
All of the guest posts from April 2019 can be found here, and in last week’s guest posts:
- Sam Hawke (City of Lies) discussed her sewing test for the portrayal of female characters in books and why she created Kalina, who cannot fight due to chronic illness, despite her own lifelong love of fighting.
- Marina J. Lostetter (Noumenon, Noumenon Infinity, Lifeboat) examined the complications of writing advice and discussed her writing journey in “Learning to Feel the Shape of Stories.”
- Arkady Martine (A Memory Called Empire, “The Hydraulic Emperor”) wrote about motherhood—including motherhood narratives in science fiction and writing her own through the character Five Agate in her new space opera novel.
- Samantha Shannon (The Priory of the Orange Tree, The Bone Season) shared the stories behind some of the finer details in the epic fantasy world of The Priory of the Orange Tree.
- Jenna Glass (The Women’s War, Faeriewalker) discussed some of her favorite books with wonderful female characters and why she appreciates these particular heroines.
At the beginning of this month, Renay discussed history, SFF fandom, and lists—and introduced the latest version of the recommendations list of science fiction and fantasy books written by women. She also issued an invitation to add more books by women writers that you loved this month so the list continues to grow. (If you already added some favorites to the list last April, you can add up to 10 SFF books by women you discovered over the last year—and thank you so much to everyone who has recommended books for the list!)
Next week, Women in SF&F Month 2019 continues with guest posts by:

April 15: Tessa Gratton (The Queens of Innis Lear, Lady Hotspur, Strange Grace)
April 16: Elizabeth Fitzgerald (Earl Grey Editing, Skiffy and Fanty)
April 17: SL Huang (Zero Sum Game, Null Set, “Hunting Monsters”)
April 18: Alix E. Harrow (The Ten Thousand Doors of January)
April 19: Sara (Fantasy Inn)