The Last Hawkby Catherine Asaro480pp (Paperback)My Rating: 9.5/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.85/5Goodreads Rating: 3.86/5 The Last Hawk is the third published novel in Catherine Asaro’s Saga of the Skolian Empire series. The books within this romantic science fiction series are written about several different characters and many of the books can stand alone. The Last Hawk is the first book about Kelric, the Imperator’s half brother and heir, whose story is continued in Ascendant Sun. Although this novel takes place […]

The Charmed Sphereby Catherine Asaro384pp (Trade Paperback)My Rating: 7/10Amazon Rating: 3.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.35/5Goodreads Rating: 3.61/5 The Charmed Sphere is written by Catherine Asaro, who is best known for her Skolian Saga series of space opera. This is the first book in the Misted Cliffs series, currently comprised of five romantic fantasy novels and the story “Moonglow” from the Charmed Destinies collection. I have enjoyed the three Skolian novels I have read, and I found The Charmed Sphere entertaining, although a […]

The first eight chapters of Diamond Star, the next book in Catherine Asaro’s Skolian Saga, are available on the Baen website. Diamond Star will be released in May 2009. Here is the description from Amazon: Del was a rock singer. He was also the renegade son of the Ruby Dynasty, which made his career choice less than respectable, and gave him more to worry about than getting gigs and not getting cheated by recording companies, club owners, or his agent. […]

Skyfallby Catherine Asaro336pp (Paperback)My Rating: 7/10Amazon Rating: 3.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.63/5Goodreads Rating: 3.88/5 Although it is the ninth book released in Catherine Asaro’s Saga of the Skolian Empire series, Skyfall is the first book in the series chronologically. The books in this series have won numerous awards, including the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 2001 for The Quantum Rose. These novels are generally considered to be science fiction romance and contain a blend of space opera and hard science fiction. […]

I signed up for a Catherine Asaro mailing list a while ago when I was desperately trying to find a copy of The Radiant Seas. Yesterday Catherine sent an email to the group to let us know that a revised version of her first novel Primary Inversion is now available at the Baen Free Library. Here is what she had to say about the new revisions: This is a rewritten version of my first published book. I’m a better writer […]

The Radiant Seasby Catherine Asaro512pp (Paperback)My Rating: 8.5/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.93/5Good Reads Rating: 4.07/5 The Radiant Seas is the direct sequel to Primary Inversion, an earlier novel in Catherine Asaro’s Skolian Saga. Although Asaro’s website says all the books in the series are intended to be stand alone with the exception of the Triad duology (originally written as one book until it became too long), I would recommend reading Primary Inversion first. I don’t think I would have enjoyed […]