Courtesy of Penguin, I am giving away one copy of The Magician King by Lev Grossman, the sequel to The Magicians. I had a great time reading The Magicians and what I’ve read of my ARC of The Magician King is pretty good so far too with the same tendency to have some really humorous lines here and there. About The Magician King: Giveaway Details: One entry per person. To enter you must have a mailing address in the US […]

Today I am pleased to announce I have a giveaway for all four books in the Relic Master series by Catherine Fisher. While I haven’t had a chance to read it yet myself, I have been rather interested in reading The Dark City, the first book in this series, which has a spot on Mount TBR. About the Relic Master Series: Welcome to Anara, a world mysteriously crumbling to devastation, where nothing is what it seems: Ancient relics emit technologically […]

A little while ago I decided to actually go to the signing on the A Dance With Dragons tour nearest me even though it’s 4 hours away. Before deciding to go down, I called the bookstore to make sure I could reserve a book. After all, it would just be sad to cancel my Amazon pre-order, get the time off work, and go all the way down there to come away with no signed book! It turned out I was […]

Thanks to Grand Central Publishing, I have 3 copies of Naamah’s Blessing by Jacqueline Carey to give away! This is the final book in the Naamah trilogy and the ninth Kushiel’s Legacy book, although it’s not necessary to read the first 2 trilogies before this one. It will be released on June 29th. I’m about a third of the way through Naamah’s Blessing right now and am really enjoying it. As usual, Jacqueline Carey’s writing is beautiful and even though […]

Thanks to Orbit Books, I have an extra copy of Deadline by Mira Grant (also known as urban fantasy writer Seanan McGuire). They sent me a review copy, but I already picked up a copy at Book Expo America. So I’m giving it away! Deadline is the second book in the Newsflesh series. While I’m not normally a zombie book reader at all, I found that I really enjoyed the first book in this series, Feed (review). About Deadline: Shaun […]

When I received my review copy of The Skin Map, the first book in the Bright Empires series, the publicist who sent it to me also included an extra copy to give away here. I haven’t read it yet, but I have liked other books I’ve read by the author and it looks pretty interesting. Here are the details: It is the ultimate quest for the ultimate treasure. Chasing a map tattooed on human skin. Across an omniverse of intereing […]