As I was browsing the giveaways on Goodreads tonight, I noticed they are giving away 10 copies of Lips Touch: Three Times by Laini Taylor (it is only available to US residents, though, unfortunately). This was the last book I reviewed and I absolutely loved it – it is even one of my top reads of the year so far. It has been a little slow here lately, but I’m planning to get back on track this weekend. For a […]

The Jeanne and Spider Robinson giveaway is now over. The winner of a signed copy of Variable Star, the Stardance trilogy omnibus and Very Hard Choices is: Shellie N. from Arizona Congratulations, Shellie! I hope you enjoy the books.

I noticed the post about the giveaway for the Spider and Jeanne Robinson books didn’t actually say who could enter. It has now been updated to say that it is open to anyone in the world. Since many of you probably already read the post a few days ago and won’t be going back to it, I just wanted to make a new one to let people know!

For anybody who didn’t catch my review of Variable Star almost a year and a half ago, I’m a big fan of Spider Robinson. Though I haven’t read as much of her work, Jeanne Robinson’s collaboration with Spider on the Stardance trilogy is also exceptional. Well, word is that Jeanne is fighting a rare form of cancer, and the couple is running low on cash. That link has several ways that you can help, but being the of-limited-resources types that […]

Goodreads features book giveaways and right now they have one for 3 ARCs of Seanan McGuire’s debut, Rosemary and Rue (just scroll down or search the page for the title). Currently, I’m working on a review of this novel and was going to mention the giveaway in the review, but I just checked the end date of the contest for it and it’s August 21. Since that’s this Friday and I’ve still got some work to do on the review, […]

Today over at SciFiGuy, I saw this awesome giveaway mentioned and wanted to share it. There is currently a month long contest running over at the Patricia Briggs forum to celebrate its second anniversary. To sign up, one just has to register on the Hurog forum and leave a comment on the appropriate thread. There are 4 weeks of contests, and the first one for copies of Dragon Bones and Dragon Blood is already over. This week’s contest is for […]