This week brought 3 review copies and 1 book bargain that I couldn’t resist! Fox & Phoenix by Beth Bernobich After reading Passion Play, I really wanted to read Beth Bernobich’s young adult book coming out this fall. So when the author contacting me about receiving a galley to review, accepting was a no-brainer! Now that I’ve had a chance to look through it, I’m looking forward to it even more. It sounds really good, and I loved the opening […]

It’s my first leaning pile of books post on the new site! I’ve also finished a draft of a review of The Spirit Thief by Rachel Aaron so I’m hoping to have my first book review at the new site up on Tuesday. Today I’m hoping to get most of the way through a review of Elfland by Freda Warrington as well. Before getting to the books, I just wanted to mention a couple of bargains I just noticed at […]