The Serpent Sea is the second book in The Books of the Raksura series by Martha Wells, following The Cloud Roads. The third book, The Siren Depths, is scheduled for release in December 2012. Warning: Since this is the second book in a series, there may be spoilers for the first book in this review. If you are interested in reading about the first book in this series, here is my review of The Cloud Roads (one of my favorite […]

Today I’m excited to have a post about the Raksura race, their society, and their gender roles from Martha Wells! I discovered The Cloud Roads, the first novel in the Books of the Raksura, last year due to an excellent review by The Book Smugglers. The Cloud Roads ended up being one of my favorite books I read last year for its sympathetic main character, creative worldbuilding, and absorbing storyline. I absolutely loved it, and I’m definitely planning to check […]

The second week of Women in SF&F Month posts will be starting tomorrow. In case you have missed the previous posts, this month is dedicated to highlighting women who are writing and reading/reviewing science fiction and fantasy after some recent discussion about review coverage for women and female bloggers. A wrap-up of week one and a book giveaway are here if you missed it. Guests for the second week are: Janice from Janicu’s Book Blog (also on Livejournal) Jessica from […]

This week I bought two books – one is a new book that is one of my most anticipated books of 2012 and the other is an older book I hadn’t heard of until recently. (And hopefully I will get that review of The Spirit Rebellion up on Monday – I got a bit distracted this week.) The Serpent Sea by Martha Wells The Serpent Sea is the second of the Books of the Raksura, following The Cloud Roads. It […]

This week brought 1 ARC, 3 books I ordered ridiculously cheap from the Book Closeouts Black Friday sale, and 1 book won in a giveaway! As usual, I’m including some information on each book this week in case there are any here that sound interesting that you want to check out. Wheel of the Infinite by Martha Wells This is definitely the book I’m most excited about this week! It’s a signed, out of print hardcover that I was lucky […]

Instead of writing one huge post of all the books I’m looking forward to in 2012, I decided to highlight some of these books in their own posts throughout the rest of this year. That way I can include as much information as I want about each one without it being an 8-mile long post and can just compile a list of links to these posts at the end of the year. The first of these books I decided to […]