Today I’m excited to have a guest post from Moira J. Moore, author of the Heroes series! I have been having a great time reading the books in this series starting with Resenting the Hero. They are character-driven fantasy books centering on Lee, a young woman who has been trained to become a Shield, and Taro, the Source she has to work with (and isn’t at all happy to be paired with!). As a Shield, Lee protects Taro’s mind while […]

The second week of Women in SF&F Month posts will be starting tomorrow. In case you have missed the previous posts, this month is dedicated to highlighting women who are writing and reading/reviewing science fiction and fantasy after some recent discussion about review coverage for women and female bloggers. A wrap-up of week one and a book giveaway are here if you missed it. Guests for the second week are: Janice from Janicu’s Book Blog (also on Livejournal) Jessica from […]

I saw something that made me sad yesterday: an announcement on Moira J. Moore’s blog saying that Ace will not be publishing the rest of the books in her Heroes series (called the Lee and Taro series on the official website). I recently discovered these books, had a lot of fun reading the first two, and have been looking forward to reading the rest. There are currently six books total: Resenting the Hero, The Hero Strikes Back, Heroes Adrift, Heroes […]

This week there were three books added to the pile – one bought from the Borders closing sale (wah!), one review copy, and one belated gift that took a while to get here. In other news, there will be a giveaway this week and I’m hoping to finish a review I’m working on today, especially since I now have 4 books to review, but I seem to have a case of review writer’s block this week for some reason. Heroes […]

The Hero Strikes Back is the second book in the Lee and Taro series by Moira J. Moore. The first book in this series is Resenting the Hero, and the books following the second book are Heroes Adrift, Heroes at Risk, and Heroes Return, respectively. A sixth book, Heroes at Odds, is scheduled for release on July 26 of this year. Please note that since this is the second book in a series, there will be some spoilers for Resenting […]

This week I just got one book I bought myself (which was a serious exercise in self restraint since I actually went to the bookstore and looked around and saw many that I wanted to take home with me). I went to look for the February Women of Science Fiction Book Club selection, but they didn’t have it so I picked up another book in a series I’ve been wanting to continue that they did have. They did have the […]