November has officially come to a close with only 3 books completed during the month. I was going to hold off on this post since I was hoping to have a review up tonight, but I keep arguing with myself about it and it’s not going to be done tonight. Oh well! Books read in November are: 44. Resenting the Hero by Moira J. Moore (review) 45. The Habitation of the Blessed by Catherynne Valente (review forthcoming) 46. The King […]

As it’s halfway through November already (eek!), it’s a little late but here’s the October reading list (since my review of Resenting the Hero is so close to done but my brain is starting to feel too mushy to get it quite right). It’s a short list, but that’s largely because I was working on getting this new site up and trying to get caught up on some reviews. Books read in October: 41. The Spirit Thief by Rachel Aaron […]

Is it just me or does each month go by faster than the last? Or maybe it just doesn’t feel like October since the last week has been 70 degrees… in Maine. It was even approaching 80 degrees a couple of days ago. Crazy. First a general update… I am finally working on a new blog redesign! Or rather my husband is as I have no artistic ability whatsoever (he’s the one who designed my coffee cup and logo here). […]

It’s hard to believe it is September already! Here’s hoping more books are finished this month than July since last month’s pile is looking rather sad, although I’ve also read part of two more books before today. Eek, I haven’t reviewed any of these yet either! Books read in July: 31. Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs32. Shadow Magic by Jaida Jones and Danielle Bennett33. Killbox by Ann Aguirre Favorite book from July: I liked all three of these but it’s […]

July was a slight improvement – four books read! Two of them were actually fairly long so I was happy with that number, especially considering nearly every weekend in July was taken up by new home related things. Now if only I were caught up on reviews… Books read in July are: 27. The Devil in Green by Mark Chadbourn (Review)28. Lord of the White Hell: Book One by Ginn Hale29. Naamah’s Curse by Jacqueline Carey30. The Last Stormlord by […]

Like May, June was not a great reading month when it comes to the total number of books read. I’ve been a bit preoccupied lately – yesterday afternoon I officially became a homeowner so I have been spending a lot of the last two months picking out paint colors, cabinets, tiles, carpets, fans and lights. It’s been quite a process. We need to move for the second time this year and then hopefully reading will resume at a faster rate. […]