This week’s edition consists entirely of books received as birthday presents (which is also why this post is a day late – I was busy most of the weekend with birthday stuff). There are supposed to be more birthday books on the way as well since some are coming from overseas, and my husband also pre-ordered A Dance with Dragons for me. I’ll have to be patient and wait until mid-July for that one! The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Volume 1 […]

I’ve been both sick and extremely busy during the last week, but I did see some new releases for next year that looked pretty interesting so I thought I’d quickly mention some of them here. Once again, thanks to the thread “The Books We Are Expecting in 2011” at asoiaf.westeros.org, I came across a catalog containing 2011 releases. This time the catalog in question is the Random House Summer 2011 Catalog. Check out the catalog for covers and more information, […]