Today’s guest is science fiction author Paula S. Jordan! She has two short stories published in Analog (“The Gift of Unbinding” and “Two Look At Two”) with a novelette (“Vooorh”) soon to come in the same publication, and she also blogs at DarkCargo. In addition to being a writer of short fiction with a novel in progress, she has a background in physics and has worked for NASA, and today she is discussing her inspirations and influences in developing aliens […]

Thanks to the guests from last week, it was another great week of Women in SF&F! The next week of guest posts begins tomorrow, but before announcing the schedule, here are a few reminders and links to last week’s posts. Giveaways and The Giant List of SFF Books by Women The Paradox trilogy giveaway has ended and there’s an official winner. Congratulations to Michele F.! There’s now a new giveaway for 5 advance copies of Gemsigns by Stephanie Saulter (residents […]