(Note: It says it at the bottom, but just to be clear–this is a post from John, not Kristen. Blame me. And thanks to @Katiebabs for the heads up.) So, it looks like there’s another Thing. In a rather condescending guest article on SantaCruz.com, Daniela Hurezanu has come to the conclusion that The End is Nigh, and 20-something female book bloggers are either largely to blame or a primary outcome. Causality isn’t really clear, but I’m guessing the idea is […]

So, whilst I was off being a good little grad student, apparently there was a Thing in the blogosphere about this fun little rant. By special request of RRRJessica, here’s my take on the subject: He’s got a point. Wait! Stop! Before you fire up the hate mail, I should probably clarify that a bit. There is a valid point in there. It’s a tiny little thing; like most points it is 0-dimensional, lacking depth, width, and breadth, and is […]