Sci-Fi Month, an event celebrating science fiction hosted by Oh the Books! and Rinn Reads, officially begins today! I participated in the first Sci-Fi Month last year and had a lot of fun so I’m going to once again. Although I love science fiction, I tend to read more fantasy so I found it was a great way to get myself to read some SF books I’d been planning to read for awhile. Last year I finally picked up Warchild by Karin Lowachee and discovered a new favorite book, and this frequently happens when I try reading more science fiction. It’s how I came to love books like Primary Inversion and The Last Hawk by Catherine Asaro, The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks, and the Miles Vorkosigan books by Lois McMaster Bujold. I’m hoping to discover more great science fiction through Sci-Fi November once again.
This year there are almost 90 participants so there will be all kinds of discussions and reviews to read, and I’m sure that will also help with discovering more great science fiction! There is a schedule available if you want to see what you can look forward to.
I added a few reviews to the schedule, but I haven’t started reading any of these books yet and this is subject to change. I moved recently and am still not done unpacking, and I’ve had trouble concentrating on reading lately since I feel like I should be unpacking instead of reading so I might just have to see how it goes! Like last year, I would like to discuss books that I don’t see reviewed very often including at least one book by a new-to-me author and at least one book that isn’t a new release. I have myself tentatively scheduled to review Yesterday’s Kin by Nancy Kress, Burndive by Karin Lowachee, and Kesrith by C. J. Cherryh, but this may change since I also have been considering other books such as Biting the Sun by Tanith Lee and City of Pearl by Karen Traviss. However, there will definitely be guest posts by Karina Sumner-Smith, whose debut novel Radiant I found very unique and well-written, and Martha Wells, whose Raksura books are wonderful!