First of all, sorry for the lack of reviews around here lately. Unfortunately, life gets in the way sometimes. I thought the long weekend last weekend would be a great opportunity to start getting caught up, but then I got sick (and of course, read more books to review since that’s about all I felt up to doing). There should be reviews this week, though, since I have a draft of a review of The Dread Hammer by Trey Shiels […]

It seems like interesting book-related news keeps coming in droves… I was thrilled to see two authors whose books I really enjoy mention they had some new book deals, plus I’ve seen some giveaways that look pretty good recently too. N. K. Jemisin, author of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms and The Broken Kingdoms, has sold her Dreamblood duology to Orbit (who is also publishing the books in her Inheritance trilogy). I’m very intrigued – partially because I loved the two […]

The Broken Kingdoms is the second book in The Inheritance trilogy by N. K. Jemisin, following closely behind the February release of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, the first novel. The third book, The Kingdom of Gods, will be available in 2011 and is told from the point of view of Sieh, the trickster god. The majority of The Broken Kingdoms takes place ten years after the end of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms. While this book has a different main character […]

It’s my first leaning pile of books post on the new site! I’ve also finished a draft of a review of The Spirit Thief by Rachel Aaron so I’m hoping to have my first book review at the new site up on Tuesday. Today I’m hoping to get most of the way through a review of Elfland by Freda Warrington as well. Before getting to the books, I just wanted to mention a couple of bargains I just noticed at […]

Yesterday I received a review copy of one of my most anticipated releases of this year, The Broken Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin. Today I got a second copy of the book in the mail so I’m giving away my extra copy. This is a not an ARC – it is the finished copy of the book, which will be released on November 3. The Broken Kingdoms is the second book in the Inheritance trilogy, although it is supposed to be […]

The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is a debut novel by N. K. Jemisin, who was recently nominated for the Nebula Award for her short story “Non-Zero Probabilities.” Even though it’s the first book in The Inheritance Trilogy, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is a complete story with a satisfying conclusion. The next two books in the series each focus on a different main character than the first one. According to Jemisin’s website, the second book The Broken Kingdoms will be released in […]