
I haven’t had a what-to-read next poll in a little while and it’s kind of fun to let you all make my hard decisions for me, so I put up a new one. The choices are:

Crystal Rain by Tobias Buckell
His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik
Skyfall by Catherine Asaro
Ink and Steel by Elizabeth Bear

I’ll read the winner once I finish reading Revelation Space and Young Miles (I’m going to start the latter because although Revelation Space is good, it has more description than my brain can focus on this particular week).

Work has been kind of hectic lately, and I’ve put in almost 10 extra hours so far this week, so I’ve been a bit too brain dead to actually get caught up on reviews when I have had a bit of time. I’m hoping to get at least one up this weekend, though. Next up is the Malazan novella Blood Follows, which I reread recently.

The Radiant Seas
by Catherine Asaro
512pp (Paperback)
My Rating: 8.5/10
Amazon Rating: 4.5/5
LibraryThing Rating: 3.93/5
Good Reads Rating: 4.07/5

The Radiant Seas is the direct sequel to Primary Inversion, an earlier novel in Catherine Asaro’s Skolian Saga. Although Asaro’s website says all the books in the series are intended to be stand alone with the exception of the Triad duology (originally written as one book until it became too long), I would recommend reading Primary Inversion first. I don’t think I would have enjoyed this novel to the same extent if I did not have the background information on the characters and world provided in its predecessor.

Since this is a review of a book that picks up immediately at the end of the sequel, spoilers for Primary Inversion are contained in this review.

The Skolians and Eubians have been at war for a very long time. The former are empaths and the latter are their antithesis – experiments in counteracting the Skolian’s abilities led to their development as a race of anti-empaths who derive great pleasure from torturing them. After the Eubian heir Jaibriol II was captured by the Skolian Empire, he was rescued by the Skolian heir Sauscony, who had fallen in love with him after discovering he was actually a strong psion like herself. Unknown to anyone from either of the empires other than Sauscony’s father, Sauscony and Jaibriol were married and faked their deaths under the pretense that both were killed when Sauscony pursued the escaping prisoner Jaibriol. Instead, the two took refuge on an uninhabited planet and began a new life together away from the animosity between their two worlds. They face obstacles such as allergic reactions to their new home and violent sentient plants and raise a family.

On Skolia, Sauscony’s parents and siblings grieve her passing and her brother Kurj, the Imperator, selects their brother Althor as his new heir. Althor has reason to be suspicious that his sister is actually alive and manages to get the truth about her “death” from his father. He is sworn to secrecy, but is later captured by the Eubians who torture him mercilessly. Even though his mind is in the process of automatically erasing his memories, the empress discovers that Jaibriol is still alive. She sends forces to capture Jaibriol and bring him back to the Empire, and soon afterward, Sauscony returns to Skolia determined to rescue her husband without revealing to anyone that they are married and have four children.

The Radiant Seas was more difficult for me to get interested in than Primary Inversion, but it became very difficult to put down later. Sauscony was no longer the point of view character nor was she the main character since the story focused on her, various members of her family, and the Eubian emperor and his wife. She was not as compelling a character in the beginning, either, since a lot of the beginning of her story involved having and raising children, which I didn’t find that interesting. However, I did really enjoy getting to see the softer side of the hard-hearted Imperator Kurj as well as glimpses into life in Eube. Although the anti-empaths were still not as sympathetic as the Skolians, they were more humanized than they were in the previous novel.

This novel combines the politics and adventure of space opera with hard science fiction. At times, there was quite a bit of technical discussion as theoretical scientific concepts were explored. This also dragged on a bit too much for my taste at times (although it probably didn’t help that I was reading it when I should have been going to sleep).

One other aspect of this book that bothered me was Sauscony’s AI developing a personality and attitude. It was not so much the way this was handled as it was that it seemed out of place to me since this AI was the very matter-of-fact type in Primary Inversion.

My favorite part of this book was definitely the world that Asaro has created in this series. The two sides are more black and white than I normally like, but I still can’t help but love the intergalactic opposition between the Eubians and Skolians. The idea of telepaths and empaths is always appealing to me, and I am fascinated by the idea of a kind of far-future Internet powered by minds.

Fans of Primary Inversion likely will not be disappointed with its sequel. It does take a little more time to become immersed in the story, but the wider scope of character viewpoints gives a better perspective of the world Asaro has created.


Reviews of other books in this series:
Primary Inversion

Along with a few other bloggers.

Remember that book meme from a little while ago that circulated around the science fiction and fantasy book sites in the blogosphere like wildfire? The one where you pick up the nearest book and turn to page 123?

It has inspired a song! Page 123 is featured on a blog containing songs inspired by science fiction and fantasy. I found it very amusing – and flattering, even if there is apparently nothing to read here. 😉

Since I just missed the last copy of City of Pearl when I made my Clarkesworld Books order, the owner of the store sent me an email to let me know that Eos currently has this available as a free e-book. It will be available through the end of August. They had Robin Hobb’s Shaman’s Crossing up for download a while ago so perhaps they will put up a new book after that.

I’ve been looking forward to reading this one for a while, although I’ll probably wait and purchase a copy since I’m not particularly fond of reading long text on the computer screen.


by Bill Blais
312pp (Paperback)
My Rating: 3/10
Amazon Rating: 4.5/5
LibraryThing Rating: 3/5
Good Reads Rating: 4/5

Bill Blais was kind enough to send me a copy of his self-published novel Witness, the first book in the “All Prophets Are Liars” series, to read and review. Intrigued by the series title and the premise of a prophesied hero being killed before fulfilling his destiny, I couldn’t resist. Although there are certainly some interesting ideas building the foundation of this book, they are not interwoven into a coherent, tightly plotted storyline.

In Boston, Sarah and her drunk boyfriend Steve are having a screaming match/breakup that is annoying (or entertaining) her neighbors. Steve wants to come in to Sarah’s apartment but she says it’s over and won’t let him in so they keep shouting at each other through Sarah’s open window. He cheated on her then proposed to her to keep her and recently he followed her to her co-worker Rick’s apartment to find that now Sarah is cheating on him. Eventually, Steve drives away in his truck after throwing a brick through an angry neighbor’s window.

Meanwhile, a young man and woman are in a cab finding their way to Razmus, the one prophesied to save them all with the use of a special amulet. They are to meet up with him then finally go home to their own world. Instead, the two arrive just in time to see Razmus hit by Steve’s truck when he was trying to hit Rick. Razmus is killed and Rick is pushed through the portal to the other world with the amulet and instructions to find Maia. Rick awakens in the other world along with his worst enemy, Steve. The two are found by a hospitable family who take them in and care for them while they adapt to this new world.

Getting into this story was very difficult to do and I never really got to the point where I wanted to know what happened next. The beginning especially was very confusing as it introduced too many characters in too few pages. There were often just 2 to 4 pages on one person and then it would move on to a new character for another 4 pages or so then bounce back to another new character for just a few pages. Some of these people were not in the story enough to ever seem to serve an important purpose. Later in the book, a few pages were dedicated to describing all the members of the family that Rick and Steve stayed with and although some of these people were in the book more, they always seemed less important than the characters who were briefly mentioned. Even with the description of these characters, no character other than Rick, Steve, and Sarah really stood out as an individual and it was difficult to keep track of who was who. I never connected with any of the people in this book or cared about what happened to them, even Rick, who was the most sympathetic character with his general goodness and insecurities about Steve being the one of the two men prospering in this new world.

The idea of a failed prophecy is one that is interesting in a genre in which prophecies usually come true and I would have liked to have seen this explored more. It is mentioned that there is a prophecy, it is important and involves saving the fantasy world, and the hero who was to fulfill this prophecy is killed. However, we are not given a reason to care that Razmus has died and there are not further details on what his purpose was. Since this is the start of a series, there may be more depth to this storyline in future installments but in this one the prophecy was vague.

Much of the story did not flow naturally – it was choppy, uneven, and often seemed as though the author was trying too hard. There were many comparisons to fantasy books and movies and many descriptions of all the things Rick missed from his own world that seemed to be repeatedly driving home the point that they were not in our world anymore. The side plot with Rick’s walkman, perceived as containing trapped souls by those in the fantasy world, was given far too much attention with a whole chapter about someone trying to decipher the meaning of “AM,” “FM,” and “Vol.” Residents of the fantasy world often spoke in different languages, but it was overdone, especially since they’d just rattle off a bunch of words with very little clue given as to what was actually being said.

Witness contains an interesting premise but this failed prophecy never really feels that important to the story other than the beginning even though it is driving many events in the story. Furthermore, the various storylines fail to come together into one interwoven story as it jumps from scene to scene and character to character.


Other reviews:

Dark Wolf’s Fantasy Review

With 2008 halfway over, I reached my goal of 25 books read halfway through the year so I’m hoping to actually finish 50 books this year. I really didn’t think I’d make it that far since I had a bunch of extra work eating into my spare time a while ago and had a month where I didn’t get much reading done because of it so I’m glad it’s working out so far.

My favorite new author discovery of the year so far is Sarah Monette. I absolutely loved the first three books in her “The Doctrine of Labyrinth” series – Melusine, The Virtu, and The Mirador. Right now, I’m halfway through the book she co-wrote with Elizabeth Bear, A Companion to Wolves, and it’s also very good. Elizabeth Bear may end up making it to one of my favorite author discoveries of the year if the rest of her “Promethean Age” series is as good as the first book, Blood and Iron.

The other reading discovery of the year so far is that I enjoy science fiction far more than I thought I did, so I have been reading and acquiring more of it.

Here are my favorite books I’ve read so far this year:

Melusine, The Virtu, and The Mirador by Sarah Monette
The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks
The Book of Joby by Mark J. Ferrari
Blood and Iron by Elizabeth Bear

Other books I’ve enjoyed more than the average enjoyable book:

Primary Inversion and The Radiant Seas (review forthcoming) by Catherine Asaro
Cordelia’s Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold
Breath and Bone by Carol Berg
Dune by Frank Herbert

Most fun, easy to breeze through book:

Grimspace by Ann Aguirre

What are your favorite books/new authors so far this year?